Evan was bitten by the travel bug at a young age while attending middle and high school in Qatar and has since been exploring different corners of Southeast and Eastern Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas. He joined ActionQuest (AQ) as a scuba diving shipmate in the British Virgin Islands (BVIs) and Thailand and later came back to the BVIs as a scuba instructor. While traveling between dive sites with his Open Water and Advanced students, he tested his sailing abilities and achieved his Flotilla Skipper license. His growing interest in the marine environment from an international perspective led to a degree in Marine Affairs with minors in Business and Modern Languages (Spanish & French focus). His Spanish came in handy working with GB in Costa Rica and Peru, and GB China gave him the opportunity to take on a brand new, fascinating language. During the school year before Peru, he was working up in the mountains of California as a science teacher and recently achieved his Wilderness First Responder certification. Now he’s brushing up on his Mandarin to prepare for his return to GB China this summer!