Location: Vixen Point, Gorda Sound

Our morning began reasonably early at about 6:30 am. Breakfast was followed by a rainbow, which kicked off our beautiful day. We rode our dinghy into Leverick Bay so the Lifeworks group could head to Robinson O’Neal Primary School to start our day of work. As soon as we arrived at the school, everyone knew we would have our work cut out for us. Lifeworks shipmates and staff members (not to mention the amazing woman who made the day possible, Julie) worked non-stop, painting every inch of the exterior of the school from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. The day is coming to an end with the first and best, Lifeworks and ActionQuest BBQ. We are all excited for DJ Heavy Beats and the fantastic food we are going to enjoy tonight. Overall, one of the most enjoyable days so far with many more to come.