Location: Bluff Bay, Beef Island
Today we had an early morning in order to be on time at the place of our project day. So the chef woke up at seven h and cooked some scrambled eggs. After that, we all got ready and took off in the dinghy to the center CAMS (H. Laxity Stoutt Community College marine research center), where we would be spending the rest of our day. When we arrived there, we were met with five different people who separated us into three groups and got assigned different jobs: planting mangrove trees, cleaning up areas, filling holes, and all kinds of things that could help the center be better. Then came lunchtime when for the 700th hundred times, we hate PB and J. After that, we departed into new groups where one was charged with planting more mangrove trees and the other cleaned up a pathway. Then we came back to the boat, where we all took showers and cleaned up after a long day of work. Tonight was a very special night because the staff cooked us a 3-course meal that was great and for once not can food. The dinner started with a garlic soup, then vegetables with some grilled chicken, and ended with a pork stew. It ended at about 10 pm when we started cleaning and went to bed at 10:30.