Location: Sommer's Beach, Tortola
Today the day started off with scrambled eggs made by Tilly and Mel. Today, however, unlike the last time we made scrambled eggs, we cooked the eggs in 4 separate batches instead of all at once in a big pot, and they turned out much better. Quickly after cleaning up, we dinghied over to Beef Island, which is a separate island in Tortola territory. Once on Beef Island, we took a taxi over to Tortola, where we met a very nice man named Aragorn at his farm.
Aragorn’s farm is a beautiful piece of land at the top of Tortola. While the view is gorgeous, my favorite part by far was the gardens themselves. The wide variety of plants he grows makes the place feel magical, and even the way the plants look in the ground adds to the allure.
I spent nearly all day helping to dig irrigation trenches with Spencer, Max, Mel, Riley, Kris, Aly, and Jackson, and after lunch with Carolina, Ivy, Annie, Spencer, Max, ad Riley. While we were working on the irrigation trenches, the rest of our boat members were helping Aragorn with his compost. They helped to break down the bigger pieces of wood and brought the rest up to where Aragorn needed it. Not only did they have to get their hands dirty with the compost, but also had to work around a lot of bugs like cockroaches, spiders, and other bugs.
When we got back to the boat after our fun, but exhausting day at the farm, we jumped straight from the dinghy into the water with our clothes on to try and get rid of some of the dirt. After some quick showers, we all got ready for the BBQ at Sommer’s beach. At around 6:30, we dinghied over to the beach, ate, and mingled with other boats.
Back at the boat, we all changed into more comfortable clothes and went up to the roof and talked as a boat about random things.
Overall, this day was packed full of activities and super exciting but tiring at the same time. It was an amazing experience to be able to be a part of something as incredible as what Aragorn has managed to make. It was also very nice to be able to talk with other boats because, as GoBeyond, we have a different schedule and don’t get to meet them as often.
Love and miss you, Mom and Dad.