Location: Muskmelon Bay, Guana Island

It is always a slog to wake up before 7:00 to voices and the soothing repetitive music such as the ever ingenious Lion King tune. However, we managed to get up after which we were tasked with preparing, eating and cleaning up from breakfast without the supervision of the staff. To my surprise, it was a successful hour in which everyone ate delicious and well-prepared pancakes. We left the anchorage and headed for Muskmelon bay for a day of action. After a 20 minute helm, we arrived and rafted up to our compatriots on ‘Snow Cat.’ Options for the day varied from water skiing to sailing Pico’s to snorkeling. After mastering the kneeboard under Aaron’s tutelage, I tried the wakeboard with mates for the first time. Throughout the day, we Proceeded to mess around Pico’s and discover novelties while snorkeling. For lunch, we ate a mountain of quesadillas. We continued to banter about until around 5:30 pm when we had to say goodbye to our companions on Snow Cat and anchored up separately. In the words of Griffin, I was “hella burnt” so I “aloed up.” We gathered in the cockpit before supper, my favorite, chili and rice. We then squeezed on the bow where we reminisced about home and school. All in all, the day was a raging success, and Luna continues to Kahuna.