Location: Baotou

Today we got to sleep in a bit, which was an unexpected surprise. After breakfast at the hotel, we all piled into cabs with our luggage and headed to the orphanage. I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we are sad to have to leave these kids so soon. We all have enjoyed playing with and learning from these kiddos. But after our service, it was time to start to say a hard goodbye. After our goodbyes to our Baotou babies, we went for a snack run across the street, to stock up for the train ride ahead of us. After our snack run, we headed back to the orphanage to relax for a bit before our afternoon train ride to Datong. The children were all napping, so the downtime turned out to be a blessing in disguise for us as well. We all caught up on our journals and got to start making some string bracelets (shout out to Maggie for supplying the string). Right now, we are heading to Datong on another train ride – Seth is entertaining some of the children on the train while others of us are taking silly photos. Although I am sad to leave the kids and this cool town, I am excited to see what adventures lie ahead in Datong.

Signing off from a train in the middle of China,
