Location: Vixen Point, Gorda Sound
Today we had an early start in Virgin Gorda with oatmeal and cereal for breakfast. After quickly getting ready, we took the dinghy to the dock and headed to Robinson Oneal Memorial Primary School by taxi. Right after arriving at the school, we were immediately put to work doing several activities. The GoBeyond group and some students from ActionQuest started by scraping the old paint from the floors of the school. We also swept all of the paint chips and cleaned all the rough patches from the floor, so that it would be ready for a new paint job. After that job was done, we painted all of the floors brown. After a good foundation of paint was applied, people split into groups and work on painting different projects. I worked on painting a separate banner about recycling that will be used in a parade, while others painted the alphabet and times tables on the newly painted floors. We were at the school almost all day, taking a few breaks by eating snacks, playing on the playground, and enjoying the beautiful view. After a long day at the school, we walked back to the dock and took showers, and then got ready for a BBQ on the beach with all the students from GoBeyond and ActionQuest. We had a long night of eating great food and dancing. Just one more action-packed day on the Firebolt!