Location: La Carpio, El Rancho

Today begins the last day of our La Carpio endeavors. At 8 am we departed from our host families for the Humanitarian Foundation in La Carpio. Once at the foundation’s library and preschool, our team of volunteers set up a sort of carnival for the local children outside the building. It consisted of an arts and crafts tent, and tables for reading, puzzles, music and face painting. In the three-hour time slot we hosted the event, children of all ages stopped in to take part and have fun. After a heavy rainstorm drove us out a few minutes early, we said our final goodbyes to the children and adults who made the work worthwhile. Our crew then used out to a wide-open property in Santa Ana, where we settled in for lunch, Frisbee, futbol (soccer) and Italy vs. Germany Euro Cup game. As the evening approached, the teens gathered for an amazing Zumba class, dominated by our own Riley Thumbs Up Dyer. Following the workout, our host families arrived with a buffet of dinner food for our last dinner together. Following our filling dinner, a couple of students participated in a talent show for the host families. Finally, we packed up our supplies and headed for our host families homes for one final night.