Location: La Finca
Day 10, going back to work after the four day trip to the Caribbean Coast. Today we went back to La Finca, which is the property owned by The Costa Rican Humanitarian Foundation, to finish the work we started before the trip. We finished the flower garden, which consisted of 20-30 flowers. We also finished the vegetable garden, where we built a little wooden shade area to protect the cucumber, corn, and zucchini we planted. We finished painting the wall of the pool area. The art consisted of a sun on one side and a moon on the other. Finally, we started cleaning off the garden for the kids that are coming on Tuesday. I feel like we are helping these kids from the impoverished town of La Carpio to discover how plants grow, the importance of nature, and establish love and respect for wildlife, art, and connection. I think there is a satisfying feeling in finishing off this work. It was a long day, and everyone was tired when we went back to our families.