Location: La Carpio & Guacima Inn
Today, after spending all afternoon building the wall, we left covered in cement. We loaded the bus drenched in the rain and headed back to our hotel. When we got back, we were all so dirty and tired we went straight to our rooms and freshened up. Some of us discovered Netflix on the TV outside on the patio, which was perfect for the mood we were in. We sat outside and watched Point Break as the storm continued. Fortunately enough, the hotel restaurant doesn’t mind us borrowing their TV in the evenings. After a long afternoon of construction, we all sat around the dinner table and finished watching the movie. One of the questions we all talked about was “What is the difference between a tourist and a volunteer worker?”, The most popular answer was something like “the mindset of a tourist is to travel for themselves and explore things they enjoy doing while a volunteer’s mindset is to do things for others. I think putting our work in perspective made us all even happier with the progress we made today. Some of us realized we didn’t even do that much work compared to what we could do with just a little bit more time, but we still made a lot of progress. The feeling that we have provided a family with just a little bit more safety and comfort is way better than any other emotion. After a successful day, we are all tired and ready to rest up for another adventurous day of work tomorrow.