Location: Marina Cay
Waking up to the smell of BZ’s chocolate chip pancakes, we started the day content. After breakfast, we set sail from Anegada, heading to Beef Island to go mangrove tree monitoring. Before hiking to the work site, Shaun taught us a bit about why Mangroves are important and why we need to protect them. We also learned how to recognize which ones are which with three sayings; “Red red, pointy head, Black black, salty back,” and “White white, sweet delight.” After a hike in the heat, we measured and recorded the location of several new trees that were planted the year before and planted new ones in place of the dead trees. Upon our return to Therapy, we quickly moved to Marina Cay to shower, eat tortellini, and attend a forum with Action Quest. At this gathering, every boat in the AQ program came and listened to a tape recording of Jim Turner, which talked about living in the moment and not taking things for granted. After we took the dinghies back to Therapy and we went to bed.