Location: Road Harbor, Tortola

Greetings from Roadtown! We are currently baking brookies and getting ready to wind down from an eventful day.

We got to wake up late today (8:15)! Riley had to leave the boat early to do the important things that he had to do, and he left Siena and Heloise in charge. After a breakfast of cereal and delicious melon, we set off in Blaze the dinghy to return to Sandy Spit, the location where we had our beach BBQ last night. The AQ shippies did quite a good job cleaning up after themselves, there was not very much trash for us to pick up! We then got to chill in the bluest water and cool off.

Our next location was West End for some shore time and lunch. It was a full circle moment to return to the dock, where we spent our very first night of this trip. Lia, Bella, and Amelia got t-shirts from Arawak, a local store, while Annabella, Maya, and Coco went to Omar’s Cafe for lunch.

When we returned to the boat, we began our boat appreciation day, where we essentially had to deep clean the boat to prepare for the last few days and the eventual return of the boat. We got to listen to some house music while we cleaned.

Dinner was Mexican night, and there were brookies for dessert. We are ending the day with some David Attenborough.

Good night!

Question of the day – Who is the most influential person in your life and why?

Skipper Ella signing off!