Location: Delhi and Agra
So today we woke up at 4:30 to catch a train that was canceled, then we waited around the streets of Delhi for an hour for taxis to take us to the Taj Mahal. Eventually, a couple of kind taxi drivers drove us the bazillion hour ride to Agra. Indian driving is amazing, the roads here are so clean and orderly, and there are speed limit signs everywhere, and stoplights and the other drivers are so polite. Ha, just kidding, the driving is unnaturally scary. Surprisingly, we didn’t’ see any accidents. The long hot car ride was worth it when we got to the Taj Mahal, which was pretty cool! It was a lot more fun than I expected, and it rained, so we didn’t have to sweat all the liquid out of our bodies. We took a ton of pictures and embarked on another long hot car ride back to our sweet little B and B. Oh, and when we got here, there was ice cream. Awesome final full day. This trip has been one hundred percent amazing, and I’m going to miss everyone like crazy, but I’m so grateful for the time we’ve had here.