Location: Sidney's, Jost van Dyke
After a long evening without freshwater, we woke up bright and early to get on the dock and refill the tanks. Before we knew it, we were underway to Great Tobago with a boat full of Jost students. It was a short but bumpy ride. Once arriving, the smaller kids and their buddies went ashore to snorkel while the older ones waited on Snow Cat or as we like to call it “Snow Cone.” We then went to the 20 ft. Jumping rock. It was somewhat of a struggle to get everyone up, but to see everyone having fun jumping was worth every second. After everyone got a chance to jump, we joined the smaller kids and snorkeled as well. By 2:00, we were all ready to head back to Great Harbor. Once dropping the kids back home and thorough cleaning of the boat, we headed towards Sidney’s. Underway we all got freshwater showers to cleanse ourselves of the saltwater. By 7 pm, we were all onshore having a great time at Sidney’s. In the end, it was a great day in more than one way.