Location: Uvita
Today started out with an early morning because we had to be packed and ready to leave our hotel at 6:45 am. We were picked up by the whitewater rafting company in their van at 7. We ate a quick breakfast of eggs, rice, beans, and fruit, and then headed off on our adventure. The bus ride was about 1 and a half hours to the top of the river. On our way, we experienced some very scary roads. We started going up a hill, and our van stopped moving. The bus driver had us all sit in the back of the van and, then, we ultimately had to be pulled up the hills on a rope. After the unplanned adventurous ride, we reached the spot where we would start rafting.
The rain cleared up just in time for us to go rafting and it was a beautiful day. We started the rafting by getting soaked when our guide splashed us all, but he was a very funny and nice guide. We went through class II and class III rapids, yet none of us fell out of the raft, without being purposeful. We got to jump out of the raft multiple times and were able to swim through the river. The guide was a trickster, and scared Kate with a fake spider and pushed her out of the boat. Our biggest rapid was called “the roller coaster,” where we rafted over three large waves. After finishing most of the rafting, we stopped at a waterfall and had pineapple and cookies before we arrived back at the bus.
We went back to the rafting company and ate chicken, rice, and vegetables for lunch. Next, we drove for about 1 hour to the next town, Uvita. We stopped at the grocery store to get snacks and food for our next two breakfast and one dinner. After checking into our new hotel, we went out for dinner tonight and had pizza.
Check back tomorrow when we will be doing construction and working with children for the day! Grace