Location: New Delhi to Agra

We woke up at four in the mornin’ And all o us were leanin’ and noddin’ Off.  But still though this pain, We went and boarded that train. And it’s a shame, Even though we weren’t to blame That we didn’t get any more sleep And we wanted to say *bleep* But we finally got there Getting out of the space we had to share We exited the station And we were surrounded by those of no relation We were off to see the Taj Mahal Even greater than ma hall. It was great and white, Showing off old king’s might. 20,000 workers strong,  Taking 22 years long Concluding our walk around Looking through all we found, We went to eat  At a place, none could beat Then on the car ride back,  We replenished the energy we all lack. Returning, we felt bested, So we went and rested Then we went and ate dinner, Which didn’t make us feel any thinner, Then comes a point of inception, For here comes the part of this song’s conception. Now inside our rooms, The end of the trip looms.