Location: West End, Tortola

As day twenty begins to wind down, it’s given all of the crew and staff of Kes Kat a moment to step back and appreciate the amazing voyage we’ve just had together.  Both staff and shipmates alike are sad to see the end of the good times and will miss all the various organizations we’ve had the chance to assist over these past few weeks. Whether it’s Caspar running around the boat doing an exemplary job keeping track of 6-year-old Elijah or Antoine and his buddy having conversations about the similarities and differences in their cultures, despite their similar ages, they have done an excellent job forming bonds and relationships with the local students. Austin is always the first to jump on the helm or help in any other sailing maneuver such as raising the sail or tacking. Griffen has been dubbed the one-man anchor team as he can usually be seen raising the secondary all on his own (a feat not easily accomplished). Jack enjoys the environmental projects such as turtle tagging where he not only caught a very large hawksbill but also instructed the group through the measuring and tagging process. Natalie’s positive attitude has been contagious, and her smiles and laughter have gotten us through even some of our longest days. Justin always invested so much of himself into the projects and the staff has truly enjoyed watching him grow so much during his time here on Lifeworks. Sarah is a great friend to everyone on board, and her sweet southern charm keeps us smiling and positive. Matt loves to make others laugh and is rarely seen without a smile on his face, whether we are on projects, sailing, or lounging around the boat during downtime. Warner is a true gentleman. He is helpful to both staff and students and is also our go-to man for silly accents. Hannah is both confident and free-spirited and is always the first to get her feet wet when trying something new such as cornrowing her hair or jumping in for turtle tagging. Grace impressed us every day with her can-do attitude and helpfulness in all the tasks on board. Taylor is an absolute doll, from her sweet smile to her awesome laughter to her willingness to get involved. She always has a positive outlook. We’ll miss all our shipmates who we’ve come to know and love over the past few weeks, and we hope to see them again soon!