Location: Ollantaytambo

After waking up around 7:30, I quickly rushed on clothes and walked the few feet to our hostel’s dining area. Being early, as was the norm, I preceded to snatch pancakes from the ever-shrinking piles and devour them ravenously. We then prepared for another day of painting at our school and left around 8:30. We boarded the bus to be greeted by Willy’s playlist of Britney Spears, much to our amusement. The drive to the school was uneventful, until after we dropped the first group off at their school and noticed the fire from yesterday was still raging higher up on the mountain. Once at the school, painting began in a rush of activity. It was hard, arduous work, but we beat on until lunch. The food was delicious as usual, though the ominous fire burning on the hillside took away much of the usual attention. The siesta was cut short due to the time constraints on the painting, causing complaints throughout the group. The second coat of paint was applied following the lunch break, and preparations began for painting the wall for tomorrow. We managed to finish the wall, and although late returned in high spirits for well-needed showers. We shambled on to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants where little food was left to waste. The walk back was intriguing, as you could see the wildfire burning as if in midair amidst the bright Peruvian stars. After finishing up with appreciations, the guys and I went to bed following snacks and light TV.