Location: Dharamsala

The last day in Dharamshala started like any other. We woke up and went through our normal routine; however, everything we were doing would be for the last time. Although the 300-step walk up to the town of Dharamshala would not be missed, as we were eating the delicious breakfast at Common Ground, we knew that sadly this was our last breakfast of the trip there. Today the Lifeworks Crew reviewed what we taught our partners over the past two weeks at a local cafe. Both Alejandro and I also talked to our partners about their dreams and how English would help them achieve it. Jampa told me that his dream was to return to a free Tibet and help teach his fellow monks English. The ginger lemon honey tea was very soothing. Next, we headed to the main temple for the last time and just enjoyed the architecture and spiritual aura associated with the temple. Because of today being the last day, the Lifeworks Crew had a traditional Tibetan-style buffet with our learning partners. After the meal, our partners bestowed us with a traditional white silk offering scarf that symbolizes purity, compassion, and goodwill. Each one of us also exchanged individual gifts with our partners. I gave my partner a new pair of shoes, prayer flags and a Tibetan flag. In addition to a white khata my partner gave me, he also gave me meditation cards, a coin of the Dalai Lama, and a scroll with teachings of the Dalai Lama. After saying our goodbyes, Alejandro, Isabelle and I left to Rogpa. The day was tiring just like any other day, but it was different. The babies didn’t know it, but we would likely never see them again. The sadness was overcome by the fact that we made a positive difference. We had dinner tonight at the monastery and ended the day by playing Pictionary for Aisha’s forum.