Location: The Galapagos

Today we got to sleep in until 8:30. At breakfast, we greeted Melanie by singing happy birthday. We then left for our day trip with the Nameless Island Tour group. At the dock, our staff made the very wise decision to separate us into two groups: the non-seasick and Team Chuck. Team Chuck was able to make it thirty minutes into the rough waters until they decided to turn around while they were still ahead. The other group pushed on despite the rough seas to reach their snorkel destination. While in route, they passed by the Nameless Island where they took pictures and observed the ecology. To distract themselves from the rough seas and to pass the time they sang songs. Although rough at sea the water at the snorkel destination was calm. After snorkeling, the group returned to the boat for lunch. Then they swam to the beach in hopes of collecting trash. Although all they found was one plastic bag, they did see many stoic marine iguanas and two adorable baby sea lions. On land, the other group, Team Chuck, headed to a peaceful beach where they all took a much-needed nap. They also had a delicious lunch from a nearby deli, because all the lunch stuff had been on the other boat. The sandwiches were AMAZING. After there siesta, we made a merman, had a long jumping competition, and swam in the water. Once the groups were reunited at the hotel, we were all given free time to shop, eat ice cream, or in Sarah’s case drink two milkshakes at the same time and in less than ten minutes. Before dinner, we headed over to the Interpretation Center where we received certificates for our work with the Galapagos National Park. At dinner, the restaurant brought Melanie a birthday cake with 17 candles and played happy birthday over the loudspeakers while we sang to her. Although the day had a rocky start, it seemed to be smooth sailing from then on.