Location: Anegada

Hello, blog this is Kurt checking in, I’m going to tell you about our day today. This morning I woke up to my shipmates singing happy birthday, this was an unusual but a fun way to start the day. After we ate breakfast, we got on Stitch (our dinghy) and set out to go to the Anegada Iguana restart center. At the center we met up with Kelly who worked there, she gave us an introduction to why the Iguana is so endangered. This was an interesting part of the day because it was very hands-on and pretty fun to help feed the juvenile Iguanas. After that, we came back to the boat to eat lunch and power nap. After lunch, we got ready to go to the beach and have fun with the other GoBeyond boat. While at the beach we snorkeled and found a Lionfish, which is a very invasive species to the BVI’s. It was also a good time to get to know and have a good time with the other boat. To finish off the day we got back to the boat and had a Thanksgiving style dinner; which is a very calm and peaceful way to end the night.

This is Kurt signing out and remember “ESKETET”- Lil Pump