Location: Reykjavík
Hae gang! We miss you guys already. Thank you all for making this the most incredible two weeks we could have asked for. We squeezed so much into our time here. You all truly made the most of each and every opportunity. We said when this trip began that you would get out of it what you put in, and we’re sure that you got as much out of Iceland as it has to offer. Way to go full send. We left no fields un-frolicked, no foss unexplored, no fjörd or “land-fjörd” unnoticed, and no whale unphotographed. We have cherished our time together and forged friendships that will last a lifetime. Between the unseasonably warm and sunny “Icelandic Summer” weather and the spectacular array of whales, puffins, and porpoises on our whale watching tour, we were incredibly lucky. We danced our hearts out to Abba at Sólheimar and snorkeled between the North American and Eurasian plates, how stinking cool is that?! We traveled north with Au∂un for hours, and you guys somehow made our bus days some of the best days.
We are so glad we got to share this breathtaking island with you for the past two weeks (even though we all know it wasn’t enough time). I hope you are proud of your contribution to our service projects; we managed to plant over 4,000 birch trees with the Soil Conservation Service up north, transported more than 40,000 aspens out of the greenhouse at Solheimar, and picked up 550 kg (over 1,000 lbs) of trash on the beach in Grindavik with the Blue Army. Not to mention the two greenhouses we helped Josefina, Gummi, and his dog, Fréttir, restore, and rebuild! Y’all rocked it. You also survived all of Patrick’s dad jokes (he is adamant that they are not dad jokes, just quality jokes). From Reykjavik to Husavik to Solheimar, this has been the trip of a lifetime. We will cherish this adventure for years to come. Keep spreading joy and laughter wherever you find yourselves! Takk Fyrir for your dedication to fun and leaving this place better than we found it.
Much Love,
Patrick and Keeley
p.s. We think the birds have finally returned to Sólheimar.