Location: Marina Cay
Savoring a slow start, we all woke up at 8:30 — our latest wake-up thus far — to omelets started by David and completed by Michael and Lili, our chefs of the day. After cleanup, a brief rain delayed us raising the anchor, but did thoroughly clean the decks. Under clear skies, we set sail from Anegada to Mosquito Island, one of Richard Branson’s islands. During the arduous, wind-deficient leg of our journey, our average speed was approximately 5 knots. Upon arrival, we enjoyed white bean soup and sandwiches for lunch. At Mosquito Island, we donned snorkel gear and searched the coastal reefs for Lionfish. Lionfish is a species endemic to the Pacific; however, in the Atlantic, it is an invasive species, which obliterates commercial and recreational fish populations in places such as the BVI. Our efforts did not avail to finding any, but the data of finding none is still useful for the Caribbean Lionfish Response Program, the organization that we worked in conjunction with for this project. When we finished scanning the area, we made our way to Marina Cay. There, our boat and the rest of the fleet hastily replenished our water, gasoline and diesel tanks. This gave us all the opportunity to gain some much-appreciated shore time. With which, we restocked Snack Mountain, the intimidating pile of snacks in the corner of our salon. We returned to our boat after shore time with a fresh batch of supplies and began organizing our new supplies and cooking dinner. The chefs crafted delicious tortellini and garlic bread for dinner, which was enjoyed under the breathtaking sunset. After dinner and cleanup, we returned to shore for a fleet-wide evening program where we discussed the ethos of Lifeworks.