Location: Anegada
Today started with a great breakfast of French toast prepared by Kurt and Bella. Full of food we slipped our mooring at Vixen Point and set off for Levericks bay to get water before our roughly 12 nautical mile sail to Anegada. With getting our phones on our minds, we made quick work of all of the boat chores that needed to be done before we could go ashore. After switching fenders from the port to starboard multiple times due to the confusion at the dock, Beezie let me motor the 46-foot boat into a slip. As much as I was hoping for a play-by-play instruction from Beezie, she kept it to short “this ways” and “those ways” and let me trust my instincts of which direction the helm needed to be turned. To my relief, the boat eased up to the dock, in one piece. This was way out of my comfort zone, but in the end, I was happy I got the experience. We then all proceeded to crowd Hannah for our phones and to spend money before we went ashore to stock up on food from the general store and some great souvenirs from Pussers. After filling, every spare space on the boat with chips, cokes, ramen, candy, and everything else we bought we set off on our sail to Anegada. The sailing was a true pleasure as we rode 15 knots on a beam reach all the way. Part of the way there one of the girls busted out hair chalk, and we decided to all dye our hair blue. (Only later to find out it does not come out of the deck easy.) Bella filled our hungry stomachs with delicious grilled cheeses as neared our destination. After a few tries, we got both of our anchors to bite, and we piled into the dinghies to go to shore for a beach cleanup scavenger hunt for all seven kinds of plastic. The hike was gorgeous and not only did we pick up trash but got to observe nurse sharks and other fish in the shallows. We treated Torin (a previous GB director) to Mexican for dinner, and he shared with us a great team building activity. Today was not only filled with fun and laughter with my shipmates but times of learning and even some stress at certain points. I did things I would have never told myself I could do, and it has boosted confidence massively. I am excited to see what else I will learn on this trip.