Location: Rio Claro & Golfito
We woke up to a breakfast of eggs with toast or rice at 8:00. After that meal was done, we headed over to Fatima’s house in the transport success bus. Today, she had us painting. We walked over to a nearby park with supplies and made it look much nicer. We painted a base layer of blue, and after that dried, we started our designs. In the middle, there was a two-sided disk, one half the sun; the other the moon to represent day and night. To the left, we painted a mushroom, caterpillar, butterfly, and a rainbow, nice things for the kids. On the right, we painted an ocean, which became a mountainous island. Some local kids joined us; they help us paint and played some soccer. They were very enthusiastic about all the arts/crafts going on as we made the park a nicer place. We then had a lunch of French fries, pasta, chicken, and rice. Soon after we were back at work, but this time we were making a cement ramp outside a building to keep water out. We also moved all the toys back into the room and re-furnished it too. After that, we went back to the hotel, relaxed for an hour, and then had dinner.