Location: Beijing, China
The last day is always so hard. Today we had a double service day so that we could say bye to all the children that we have been working with our whole three weeks while in China. In the morning, half of us went and said goodbye to the group home kids while half of the other group went to the baby home. After saying bye to all the kids and shedding a few tears, we had our second to last lunch together made for us by our wonderful chefs of the day. We then had two hours after lunch to pack and take a nice nap if we wanted to get ready for the second part of the long day. Finally, at 3 pm, we all switched rotations so if one went to the baby home in the morning you would go to the group home in the afternoon and vice-versa. Three hours later, at six, we went to our final dinner as a group to the same place we went on the first day. Finally, after our two-hour dinner, we went back to the apartment for the closing ceremony. Once we got back to the apartment, we commenced the closing ceremony that they do to close the session. All the people here participated in at least one song. All the songs were amazing and personal to our trip. Even more, tears were shed here. After the ceremony, we had our final forum which was great and then we ended with a huge group hug! Now we are all here in the apartment talking and spending the last few hours we have with each other before we all end up going our separate ways back in the USA. Although we all shed lots of tears and it was super sad, we all made great friends for a lifetime! I am so glad I met these wonderful people, and I know we will all keep in touch with each other!