Location: San Jose
Hello everyone, welcome to our blog! This is a way for you to follow our group each day as we experience all that Costa Rica has to offer!
We have a diverse group of individuals from all over the world who have come together for a common goal. The day started very early for most of us, which included multiple flights and some delays. Each individual was met by a GoBeyond team leader who took them to our hotel to rest after a long travel day. Some of the group had the opportunity to meet with Gail, the head of the humanitarian organization that GoBeyond partners within Costa Rica. She spoke to the group about what brought her to Costa Rica and about her organization. The group was then given an orientation by me (Enrico) and Meca to help prepare them for what’s to come and to answer all their questions. After a delicious dinner that consisted of fish, mashed potatoes, veggies, and some dessert (of course). The group then went to their rooms for an early nights sleep, eager for what the next day has in store for them.
Pura Vida