Location: Great Harbor, Peter Island

The crew of Some Beez started the day with a bit of a breakfast struggle. After waking to the smell of French Toast, most students were excited for a delicious breakfast, which in reality, our inexperienced chefs were waiting for a helping hand. One mini cooking lesson later, the gang was fed and ready for whatever Day 14 had in store. It turned out that the main focus of the day was Mangroving! Mangroving is the process of recording the GPS coordinates of previously planted mangroves, checking their length, and replacing the mangroves that didn’t make it. Once we marked all of the mangroves that we could, both GoBeyond boats moved on to picking up the trash in sight. Luckily we were able to accomplish quite a bit before some unexpected rain crept into the area. The rest of the day was split between time on shore in Road Town, the capital of the BVI, and sailing back to Great Harbor, Peter Island. As we near the end of our trip, the group spent a lot of time reflecting on some of the great memories made here, and what we’d miss the most. I’ll never forget waking up every morning to a breathtaking view!