Location: Mountain Point, Virgin Gorda

We all woke up late in the morning to the sound of rainfall. Our amazing pancake flipper (Eliot) started making pancakes early. We all ate an excellent pancake breakfast with a sickening amount of Nutella.  We all squeezed into the salon to watch a series of videos about plastic and why there is so much of it in the ocean. After the videos we were all tired from the late morning, we ate a lunch of mac and cheese and had some free time. Then we all got ready for a snorkel. We took shadow (the dinghy) to Catalinaville, where we briefed about Lionfish and the problem they are causing. We snorkeled around looking for Lionfish. We headed back to the boat and sailed to Mountain Point to anchor for the night. We took Shadow to a reef to look for more Lionfish. We got back to the boat, and we all took a salt water shower with a barracuda sulking under the boat. The amazing chefs of the day made dinner, and we all ate it. We cleaned up and made cookies for later tonight.