Location: Ollantaytambo

Today was quite the day. Due to the heavy rain this morning, we had to reschedule the paddle boarding and ended up going to just the textile workshop instead. The lady there showed us how to use a natural Peruvian root as shampoo, how to create natural lipstick, and we got to explore some popular Peruvian goods. We had a bit of time left, so half of the group went to Chinchero to a cool church and crashed a wedding. Just kidding, they just saw a wedding. Following that, we went to the paddle boarding site where we ate next to a beautiful lake and a herd of sheep. Leaving this place posed quite the challenge as our bus got stuck in the mud. Finally, after a lot of struggling and far too many falls in the mud, we managed to get back to our house. The following hours contained hot tea, showers, pizza, and a movie.