Location: Savanna Bay, Virgin Gorda

Today was our longest sail of the session. We woke up early so we could explore our docking site, Norman Island. We went on an hour long hike on the island and learned about the history of the land. The top of the hike was a helipad intended for mega-resort that was never built, and the view was great. At the top, we did an exercise where we traced our hands and wrote our goals inside of the drawing. These goals will be given back to us at the end of the session. After our hike, we ate breakfast and began our sail. I was skipper, so I was able to sail our boat all the way to Savannah Bay which is where we’ll be staying for a couple of nights. At first, I needed some help getting the hang of the steering but afterward I was fine. Initially, I wasn’t too excited about sailing for around four hours, but it turned out to be pretty fun. Upon our arrival, our head staff Elliot decided to brief the crew and us from the boat Shazam on one of our missions for the session, sea turtle tagging. After the conversation, we were able to dingy to the beach and play around for a while. After the beach, we ate dinner and wrapped up our day.