Location: Savannah Bay, Virgin Gorda Island
Today was a long and a busy day. Everyone woke up early to get ready for sailing. We had breakfast and hung out until we got to Nanny Cay, Tortola which is where the dog show took place. We got there at about 10:00 am to help the staff set up the show. We carried stuff around and set up things, which were the bouncy castle, the trampoline, the book booth, the photo booth, and the dog food awards. Many kids enjoyed going on the bouncy castle and the trampoline, and the organizers of the show raised some money. After that we had lunch, and everyone had the jobs that they needed to do which were the following: collecting the bouncy castle and the trampoline tickets, selling cupcakes, selling entry tickets, giving the dogs and owners juice and dog food, selling things and many more. Everyone was exhausted, but everyone still tried their best to make the show successful. It ended at about 4:00 pm and we headed back to the boat to get ready for sailing. We sailed for about two hours until we got to Virgin Gorda Island, which is where we are going to have dinner and sleep.