Location: Quito
Four scores and three weeks ago, we were all strangers, and now we are sisters. To end our trip, we went white water rafting today. From 5:40 am to 8:45 pm everyone had a smile on their face. We went under a waterfall and jumped off a 15 ft cliff while laughter filled the air. The adventures and activities on this trip have been out of this world. From swimming in the Amazon River to hiking Quilotoa Crater, no one was left behind. We always have each others back. The memories we have made will never be forgotten. Whether it was crying from laughter at dinner or getting seasick or working for hours in the hot sun, we always found a way to have fun. From my point of view, I have never seen a group of girls as close as we are. We got very lucky. For our closing ceremony, we each picked a name out of a hat and made them a bracelet. When we presented these bracelets, everyone had something nice to say about their person. From first to last, tears were streaming down everyone’s faces. After, the staff put together a slide show of the many times that were spent together. From the awkward first day to the final goodbyes in the airport, we will always be friends no matter how far the distance.