Location: Mountain Point, Virgin Gorda
Greetings from Hagen-Time,
Amazing last day helping in Julie’s garden. We kicked off the day bright and early with a short boat ride back to Virgin Gorda. We enjoyed scrumptious oatmeal made by Addison and Prentice before hopping on the dinghy with big plans for the tortoise habitat in the garden. Addy and Addison took to the power tools screwing wood together while the rest of us dug holes. Hayes dug the deepest hole, but Augusta and Grace almost topped it. The tortoises reaped the rewards of our hard work and big Red and Mango especially enjoyed the new hibiscus bush addition. In the schoolyard, Prentice was hard at work fixing some monkey bars. We all met some kids of various ages that went to school there. One little girl was obsessed with Hayes and wanted to high-five us all (I got the best high five). Back at the boat, we sailed to Mountain Points to get ready for an amazing day of tagging turtles tomorrow. I especially enjoyed today’s dinner of corn, salad, and risotto. After dinner, we all took sunset swim showers and saw many shiny fish and one shark. Feeling good about our next two weeks together and can’t wait for more fun animal encounters. What an eventful day!
Love from Violet M. (Miss you, Larry)