Location: Cane Garden Bay, Tortola

Today we woke up in Sommer’s Beach to delicious pancakes cooked by one of our staff members, David. After we fueled up with breakfast, the adventure began. My incredible first mate, Ethan and I sailed downwind for about 45 minutes until we reached Brewer’s Bay on Tortola. Here we rafted to Catalinaville and enjoyed a lovely lunch of tortilla soup with our sister crew, Catalinaville. Then, loaded up four dinghies to catch turtles manta-tow style. After about an hour of unsuccessful turtling, we all headed in to hang out with each other which included swimming, tanning and lots of naps. We all took refreshing salt water showers then set sail further down the island to Cane Garden Bay to fill up on water and fuel. After anchoring in Cane Garden Bay, our chefs made Thai Peanut Chicken for dinner, we did the daily “squeeze,” and had fun dancing around while doing dishes. We kept the party going after clean up and had fun singing and dancing to songs from movies such as Frozen and High School Musical before watching a documentary on the BVI called “Natures Little Secrets.” Altogether we had an extremely relaxing and fun-filled day, and we grew even closer to each other (If that’s possible). We are all excited to see what tomorrow will bring, but now it’s time for a good night’s sleep.   p.s. Hey Mom, Dad, Jake, Brodie, and Tim! I love you all and miss you very much, and I want you to know I am having a fantastic time on this trip! And yes, mom, I am putting on lots of sunscreens!   -Katie