Location: Savanna Bay, Virgin Gorda

Today we went to valley day school. Everyone was really excited to get to the school so that we could meet the kids and start our first big service project. When we arrived at the school, we met a woman who lives on the islands and goes to all the schools to teach about sustainable living. She also helps organize all the recycling since the BVI doesn’t have a recycling plant. We spent most of the day clearing the school yard of overgrown trees and shrubs. All the kids were really sweet and eager to help us fix up the school. The school was a big example of how love and hard work can go a far way. The teachers are so kind and really care about the students and it was really rewarding to know we got to help them. Some of the student’s parents made us a delicious traditional Caribbean meal of chutney, cole slaw and johnny cakes. The meal was fantastic; after lunch, we worked to paint the roof and finish clearing the school yard. After all the work was done, we took our sailboat and anchored in the anchorage. Then we had a really fun cook out with the other GoBeyond boat, Portlandia. Today was an inspirational day that made us all so hype for our following days at the schools of the BVI.