Location: Here, there, and everywhere!
Hey, Friends & Family!
This is it! The moment we’ve all been waiting for. Our summer departure is finally here, and we’re off on a great adventure. The best part? We’re taking you along with us. Ok, well maybe not physically taking you with us (sorry about that), but sharing our experiences with you through daily Trip Logs is the next best thing. We’re implementing a new system this year called “Dlvr.it” to make sharing our adventures easier than ever. This new system will allow you to automatically share updates from the trip with friends and family via your social networks like Facebook & Twitter. Simply follow the directions below to have trip updates automatically sent to your social networks:
1. Head over to DLVR.IT by clicking here. Next, click the ‘Sign Up’ button and create an account using a Facebook, Twitter, or email account; it’s totally free and takes less than 60 seconds.
2. In the ‘Find a Feed’ box, enter this address: https://www.gobeyondtravel.com/rss/peru-2017-session-2-2/
3. Select how often you would like Dlvr.it to update your social media.
4. Hit the ‘Next: Connect Socials’ button and select where you would like to share the trip logs.
5. Click the “Start Posting” button and off you go.
Keep in mind that our adventures will be taking us to some pretty far-out places, and we may experience periods during the trip where internet access is limited or non-existent – but don’t worry! We want to keep you updated just as much as you want us to keep you updated, so we’ll do our very best to keep those fresh Trip Logs coming. In the meantime, it’s time to ensure that our tray tables are locked and that our seats are in their full, upright position for takeoff. Here’s to an incredible journey ahead.