Location: Marina Cay

Today we woke up at 8:00 am to wonderful pancakes made by Elle and Hannah. We began our three-hour trip to Marina Cay by motor sailing. Along the way, there was napping, reading, and bracelet making. Griffin took the helm and steered us for a little while. We had a late lunch once we arrived at our destination, and Anna B. decided to have plain white bread while the rest of us had Raman. After lunch, we finished watching the last of The Biggest Little Farm documentary. Before dinner, we all jumped in the water for our showers, and Liam did a backflip off the dinghy. At dinner, we learned some interesting stories from Morgan and Anna S. Once our dinner clean-up was done, we did a personality quiz that into leadership categories. Lily and I were in the blue group, which is creative. Morgan, Chris, and Anna B. were all in the red group, which is logical. The rest of our group was in yellow, which means they like to take action. Once we all went to bed, there was some strong rain. Lily, Morgan, and Griffin all left their hammocks to go sleep in their cabins so they wouldn’t get wet. Surya, Shaila, Anna S., and I all slept on the blue lagoon, so we were safe from the rain. Overall it wasn’t the most exciting day, but we made the most of it! Now we are on our way for a fun day of water sports!

I love you, mom, dad, Jack, Jasper, and Phoebe! See you soon!