Location: Savanna Bay, Virgin Gorda

Today was our second full day here in the beautiful BVI’s. We started our day off with a little bit of a sleep-in waking up at 6:45 am, we set sail around 7 am to Spanish town and walked to an elementary school to help finish up the projects the previous sessions had started. We were divided into different groups and began helping where we could. Some fixed up and painted a table, built a new playground, put up ceilings or paneled a greenhouse. Whichever project we were working on everyone was most definitely dripping with sweat. After six long hours of dedicated service, we packed up and headed back to the main boat on our dinghy to get ready for swim lessons with some local kids. We all went over only to find a few kids who needed any lessons, but we all still managed to have fun in the gorgeous turquoise water. Then we had another great dinner made by a few of the crew members. Then we ended the great day off with card games and freshly made brownies.