Location: Diamond Cay, Little Jost Van Dyke

Day 16 Title: Would you rather location: JVD; Great TobagoBlog: Today was our last day working with the JVD children. We were all excited to see the friendly faces that we had gotten to know very well over the past two days. We arrived at Foxy’s at 9 a.m. to meet the kids. After greeting the few new faces and playing even more icebreaker games, we listen to a presentation about the many birds that we were about to see on Great Tobago. The lifeworks then shepherded the JVD children on to the two boats and set sail. Even though the wind was minimal, we put up the sails, and the kids were keen to help us raise the jib. After sailing for roughly two hours, we reached our destination and ate lunch. Everyone was glad to jump into the water and cool off after being in the sweltering heat all morning. The JVD kids enjoyed snorkeling and also partook in a cannonball competition. We then sailed round the opposite side of the island and admired the hundreds of birds that were nesting on the hillside.

Three JVDchildren wanted to steer the boat, leaving the rest of us to rest and play a game of “this or that.” The children were very imaginative in their creation of these, the boat’s favorite being, Would you rather run through the rainforest in your underwear or drive your young ones to school?’ After saying a final goodbye to the kids, they were dropped off back at Foxy’s where we hung one of our lifeworks shirts on his wall. We then ate an early supper and are currently preparing to go out on a night snorkel with some of the older JVD kids. (P.s. Love you Mum and Dad [P.p.s. Sydney says I love you, mum and dad] )