Location: Trellis Bay, Tortola
Hello, followers of Portlandia! Today on day 13 after a quick breakfast we motored to Trellis Bay, Beef Island and took a taxi to a farm by Road Town, Tortola managed by a man named Drake who greeted us with a quick tour of the different trees and plants on the side of the mountain. Portlandia and our sister boat, Return of the Macks, split into two groups to get work done faster. In my group we started shuttling cinder blocks in a wheelbarrow from the top of the farm down the side of the mountain where they needed to be used to box in plants and after we made it about halfway through the teams switched jobs and my group got put on weeding duty where we wiggled our way around giant spiders and caterpillars the size of your middle finger crawling around all over the place. When we finally finished weeding, we grabbed our spending money and hiked downhill to Drake’s art studio, and we all got little trinkets made all by hand and marveled at the beautiful view of the water the little house had. When we hiked back up to the farm we ate a short lunch and taxied back to Trellis Bay for some shore time to enjoy cold sodas and our phones for a bit (HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY CODY!) before we sailed wing on wing over to Sommer’s Beach to get ready for our program-wide BBQ on the beach. Everyone enjoyed burgers and hotdogs and hung out on the beach for a bit and talked with people from other boats and programs about what they’ve been up to and our most asked question was “so how was Necker Island?!” Everyone is already talking about meeting up after the trip because we’re sadly counting down the days of our last week living together but enjoying every day as it comes! Don’t forget to watch out for goat man tonight…