Location: Anegada

This morning began with all of us waking up eager for our full day in Anegada. Some of us woke up extra early to complete a workout in the water. Breakfast today consisted of breakfast burritos (yum!). As we ate, we were briefed for a very exciting day. After a short ride to shore on Shadow, we took an open-air taxi to a beautiful sandbar beach across from the flamingo lookout. While waiting for the second part of the group to join us for a mangrove talk, some of us waded through the crystal blue water taking pictures, reenacting scenes from Moana, and looking for baby sharks! Em informed us about blacktip reef sharks we might see if we kept very still. They were so majestic as they cut through the water. We also walked across the street and looked at the salt pond, where many flamingos congregated. They were so pink! When the second part of the group joined us, we sat down and had a chat about mangroves and their importance to the ecosystem, and how we can protect them. We then waded through the salt pond and looked for mangrove propagules, which we learned to change density to grow new roots. We enjoyed sandwiches for lunch, and then we’re on our way to the beach for a cleanup. We found so much trash on the beach, including toothbrushes, shoes, and even a dress. We managed to fill over 6 bags of trash on our hour walk. After our cleanup, we enjoyed ice cream from a local creamery. Our third open-air taxi of the day brought us to Cow Wreck Bay, where we had the opportunity to visit a gift shop, play pool, and snorkel! After our fun time at the beach, it was time to get back to the boat, where we had a picnic night planned with Wombat, an advanced sailing boat. We picked up dinner from a restaurant in Anegada and rafted our boat to Wombat. It was so fun meeting our new friends! Both (student) skippers on Wombat and Dallas Blonde asked their questions of the day, and we did a group squeeze. By the end of the night, we were all so tired from the busy and exhilarating day but ready for whatever comes our way tomorrow!

