Location: Anegada

To say today was simply amazing would be an understatement. We woke up bright and early as the whole boat was eager to be onshore after we found out that we would be doing something we’ve never done before: tagging sea turtles. We not only got to tag sea turtles and get into what we call “research mode;” we also got to go out and find turtles to conduct our research with. Everyone worked together as a single unit, and it was amazing to be a part of such a hardworking, dedicated team. We broke the program record and tagged 16 turtles in one day! After a long day full of turtles, we made our way back to the dock to enjoy some shore time. All of us got virgin strawberry daiquiris, Pina Coladas, and tons of food at the bar. Not only was the food great but it was great bonding time with the people in my boat. Afterward, we made our way back to Ewak and took our daily saltwater showers (personally my favorite part of the day). To end it off we had dinner and talked and laughed for hours on the roof. Today was definitely the most eye-opening experience for all of us, and I can’t wait for tomorrow.