Location: Road Harbor, Tortola
At approximately 7:59 am this morning, I woke up to the sound of Shaun belting the words, “It is seven fifty-nine in the morning, and you need to wake up.” After that wake-up call, the boat gathered to put together a quick breakfast composed of cereal, chocolate milk, and oatmeal. Once we finished eating our breakfast, we all transitioned into the task of loading the dinghies. Following a few minutes of childish bickering regarding who would drive the dinghy to the dock, George proved victorious and chauffeured us all to the docks for our few hours of shore time before motoring over to Road Town. During our shore time, I shared a full English breakfast with Charlie, an Englishman himself, and spoke to family and a few friends. Once we got to Road Town, we walked over to the other boat, Snow Cat, and learned more about mangroves and their importance to the local ecosystem. Once again, we loaded up on the dinghies and embarked on possibly the best and most exciting dinghy trips. Our destination for this dinghy trip was a small group of mangroves that we were trying to restore. We needed to measure the height of the mangroves, mark down the GPS coordinates of the mangrove and make sure the mangrove was alive. We then came back to our boats and indulged in our land showers. We finished the night with dinner and prepared for tomorrow’s events.