Location: Ollantaytambo

Author: Nico Location: Ollantaytambo Today we woke up in Ollantaytambo and went back to the school to continue our work on the greenhouse. The kids were excited to see us return and we started our day at the school by breaking up into two groups, the English teaching group, and the chess teaching group. Each group spent a half hour with a class then we switched classes, so both classes got English and chess lessons. The kids were excited to learn and start playing chess, but before long we had to start working on the greenhouse again. There were many things that needed to get done before the end of the day, the brick walls needed to be finished, fertilizer needed to be mixed, and the mesh ceilings needed to be installed. Everyone found a job and worked until lunch. For lunch, we had lasagna and carrot cake before taking a short siesta on the field and returning to work. We switched up the jobs so that different people were doing different things and worked until the end of the day. We came back to the hotel and rested for a while before going to dinner at another one of the great restaurants that Ollantaytambo has to offer.