Location: Anegada

Today, we woke up to the usual Lion King tunes, early in the morning. A breakfast of cereal quickly breezed by; then we were off to start our day. We met our taxi after riding to the dock in our dinghy. Twenty minutes of a taxi ride had passed, we had made it to the day’s destination. Although the church was rough around the outside, the people inside were full of love and gratitude. Our job was to paint the entire front of the fence, so we diligently grouped up and progressed through the job in no time. While painting, a man who worked there did us a favor by trimming up all the branches that were in the way. Food and juice awaited us when we all walked back from a while of painting. These acts of kindness showed the Lifeworks team that we are serving. Once we wrapped up, we headed back to the boat. Sailing and an attempt at boat appreciation did not mix as most of us felt seasick. Some laid on the side of the boat and some laid inside, but we all fell into a deep sleep. We woke up after a magical nap to a dock full of Action Quest boats. Dinner was made after showers, and we all ate grilled cheese and soup. Then all AQ and LW kids met up on the island in a small open area. We listened to a very emotionally convicting tape of a man speaking on the topic of Life. The gist of the tape was how life should be lived in a way that is open, loving and experiential.  After hearing it most, if not all, of the kids, probably wanted to call their family to remind them they loved them. We all rode back to our boats and went to sleep under a bright full moon.