Location: Cuzco

To start off the day, our group returned to the Santa Teresa shelter for the morning and spent time cleaning and serving food. Visiting Santa Teresa was a nice opportunity for us to connect with others while enjoying the sunny weather. For lunch, we had Peruvian food, and some tried a traditional specialty: guinea pig! We had a drink known as “Fruitillada” as well, which consisted of LARGE servings of fermented (non-alcoholic!) strawberries and purple corn juice. After trying some new foods, our group went shopping near the main Cuzco Plaza. Some highlights included enjoying chocolate ice cream from the “Choco Museo,” trying on Peruvian shawls and walking around downtown. After our busy day, we grabbed refreshing salads for dinner from “Las Frescas.” Once we had regained our energy, our group participated in a complimentary salsa lesson at our hotel. The dancing, though tiring, was a great way to top off the night and will allow for a sound night of sleep.