Location: Anegada

Today the GoBeyond crew had the most excellent adventure. After today’s most handsome and awesome skipper Alex let the ship sleep in an extra 4 minutes, the Portlandia students felt well rested and prepared for a big action-packed day of beach cleanup. Both boats of GoBeyond combined together then split off into three groups for a scavenger hunt, tackling three different beaches on Anegada. A competition was created to see which of the three groups could check off a list given of specific items of garbage to find. The winners remain undetermined thus far. Once the beach cleanup was concluded, the GoBeyond crew returned back to the boat for a most delicious soup for lunch prepared by Katherine (also Maya helped). After lunch, the GoBeyond students had down time to socialize and the three boys (Alex, Ryan, and Quinn) used the free time to take one last search around the ship to find Ryan’s sunglasses, which sadly were not recovered. May the sunglasses rest in peace. For five hours after lunch, Portlandia took an emergency sail away from Anegada to Great Camanoe island in order to get necessary repairs and get water. During the sail, we encountered two sea turtles and one dolphin which was super cute with his powerful flippers and showing off his ability to jump really high out of the water. Once the sun set over the islands in the distance, the sky turned pink and the crew enjoyed a long saltwater shower, and the girls had a leg-shaving party. After the showers were over, the crew enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner under the stars and Rachel made cookies for everyone. Sundays are for everyone.