Location: Savanna Bay, Virgin Gorda

I can use two words to describe today; it’s lit. We had a super early morning today, which some of us took a little harder than others. We spent a large portion of our day at Valley Day School. This school is very special; they’re the only school that provides education to special needs children. Also, this private school encourages you to pay tuition; but if you can’t afford it, your child is educated and treated the same as the other children. I thought this was pretty cool, not many private schools are as accepting as this one. When we arrived today, you could tell the school needed some love. We started by cleaning up leaves and branches and cutting up anything that kids could trip over. Also, we sorted their trash and put them in the correct bins. We saved our harder jobs for a little later in the day. After the yard started to clear up, we started repairing the stairs at the back of the building. This created some elbow grease not going to lie. We all had to use our “gigantic” muscles to break up some wood and put together some new colorful, pink steps. As I was breaking up wood, Julie, the director of Green VI told me that her daughter dory was interested in gymnastics. I go to spend our downtime teaching Dory some basic gymnastics skills. At the end of the day, we left on cloud nine thinking about how happy the kids would be when they returned to school and saw all the space they had to play. After a refreshing Hibiclens shower and a short ride to beautiful Savannah Bay, we relaxed at a BBQ with all the shipmates on snowcat, another lifeworks boat. As I write this blog, we end the day with some yummy brownies and a nice touching round of squeeze. All in all, this was a pretty swag day.