Location: Savanna Bay, Virgin Gorda

Today was an amazing day. We woke up at 6:15 A.M to get ready for our hike on SpyGlass Hill. We spent a lot of time on top of the hill to learn about the history of the island and hill. After the hike, we sailed for around four hours, which was a great experience for me because I was the skipper of the boat, and I had the privilege of steering and driving the boat. Our destination was the island, Virgin Gorda. We had a great time swimming and playing sports on the beach for an hour(Obviously I won in all of the sports). We made dinner on the boat and ate penne pasta with Alfredo and hotdogs. Then we had a beneficial class on how to tie knots.

My favorite part of the day was the experience and privilege of driving the boat.

It was a pretty easy job to catch on, and it was fun driving such a good boat. I also enjoyed the hike. It was a very good hike, and the view was breathtaking on the very top of the hill. The history of the hill and island was very fascinating. Even though the sail was very long, it was a good learning experience on the basic mechanics of sailing. The beach on Virgin Gorda was very nice, and I had a great time on the beach and in the water.